668 research outputs found

    Enhancing Social Protection in the Apparel and Footwear Industry

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide.  Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_ASEPROLA_Enhancing_Social_Protection.pdf: 371 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Properties of some Sobolev orthogonal polynomial systems in several variables

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    Texto, ecuaciones, fórmulasformúlas matemáticasEn este trabajo estudiamos algunas propiedades algebraicas y analíticas de los polinomios ortogonales en varias variables reales con respecto a un producto interno Sobolev continuo-discreto. Consideramos los polinomios Sobolev sobre diferentes dominios, a saber: un dominio producto; la bola unitaria; el simplex; y el cono. Nuestros principales resultados consisten en un método iterativo de construcción de los polinomios ortogonales con respecto al producto interno, propiedades que involucran su parte principal (continua), una fórmula de conexión, y algunos resultados sobre ecuaciones diferenciales parciales. Con el fin de ilustrar nuestras principales ideas, al final de este trabajo presentamos varios ejemplos numéricos en dos variables. Además, discutimos algunos problemas abiertos.In this work we study some algebraic and analytical properties of the orthogonal polynomials in several real variables with respect to a continuous-discrete Sobolev inner product. We consider the Sobolev polynomials on different domains, namely: a product domain; the unit ball; the simplex; and the cone. Our main results consist of an iterative method for constructing the orthogonal polynomials, properties that involve the main (continuous) part of this inner product, a connection formula, and some results on partial differential equations. In order to illustrate our main ideas, at the end of this work we present some numerical examples in two variables. In addition, we discuss some open problems.Facultad de Ciencias, Sede BogotáDoctoradoDoctor en Ciencias - MatemáticasPolinomios ortogonales en varias variable

    San Miguel Alleyway Redesign

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    A Human Rights Approach to Corporate Accountability and Environmental Litigation

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    This Comment explores how a human rights approach would provide a more efficient means of achieving compensation and deterring environmental law violations

    The Impact of a Didactic Strategy using Technology to Strengthen the Learning of Mathematics

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    The didactic strategy of this study consisted of the implementation of virtual practices for learning Mathematics at the university level. The objectives established to evaluate the impact of the strategy were to determine the contribution of these virtual practices and identify their effect on students’ academic performance. The strategy was carried out in the course Fundamentals of Mathematics, for first semester students in the Engineering programs at the Sonora Institute of Technology and 1,144 students participated between August 2018 and May 2019. The results proved that the students who participated scored higher in the course than those who did not participate. A dependency ratio was also found between the variables of students’ final grades in Fundamentals of Mathematics and the number of virtual practices they had carried out. The conclusion is that the didactic strategy significantly improves the passing rate and academic performance in the subject of Mathematics for which it was implemented

    Las intervenciones de la Policía Nacional del Perú en los casos de flagrancia delictiva y los derechos de los autores y participes

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    La importancia con esta tesis es lograr hacer conocer las deficiencias en las intervenciones en flagrancia delictiva que realiza los miembros de la institución policial, y producto de ello la vulneración de los derechos fundamentales de las personas intervenidas, y que posteriormente son incluidos en la investigación como autores, coautores y participes (cómplice primario y segundario). Por consiguiente, este trabajo a realizar tiene un enfoque cualitativo, que, por su orientación o finalidad, resulta ser básica o teórica, y por la técnica es de contradicción, es una investigación descriptiva y correlacional; recopilándose la información necesaria y sustancial como fuentes dogmáticas, legales y jurisprudenciales.The objective of this thesis is to know the deficiencies in the criminal interventions carried out by the National Police of Peru, and as a result of this, the violation of fundamental rights of the intervened persons, and who are later included in the investigation as authors, co-authors and participants (primary and secondary accomplice). However, this research work was carried out in a qualitative approach, which, due to its orientation or purpose, is basic or theoretical, and due to the contradiction technique, it is a descriptive and correlational investigation; and for this, the necessary and relevant information has been compiled as dogmatic, legal and jurisprudential sources, as well as the opinions extracted in the interviews of lawyers, judges and prosecutors trained in the subject studied, for which a guide of interview, and national jurisprudence was analyzed.Tesi

    Products and services for the elderly, the potential market target in Colombia /

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    Universidad Autónoma del Carib

    A gerência do talento humano sob a perspectiva da condição humana

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    The article underlines the importance of human condition attributes and human potential development in optimizing managers’ competences today. The document states that in order to improve human talent management, comprehend and handle better his teamwork, the manager should know which are the attributes of human condition and how to develop skills to work them optimistically, with the purpose of generating strategies to improve workers talent. In this framework, talent is observed as an inexhaustible and susceptible variable of continuous development. The document concludes calling recognition of human condition in organizations, as a necessary strategy to face current society inequalities.El artículo destaca la importancia de los atributos de la condición humana y del desarrollo del potencial humano en la optimización de las competencias de los gerentes de hoy. Se plantea que con el propósito de mejorar la gestión del talento humano y poder comprender y gestionar mejor a su equipo de trabajo, el gerente debe conocer cuáles son los atributos de la condición humana y cómo desarrollar las competencias para trabajarlos con optimismo, de manera tal que implemente estrategias para la mejora del talento de su gente. En este marco el talento se observa como una variable inagotable y susceptible de permanente desarrollo. El documento concluye haciendo un llamado al reconocimiento de la condición humana en las organizaciones, como estrategia necesaria para afrontar las inequidades de la sociedad actual.O artigo destaca a importância dos atributos da condição humana e do desenvolvimento do potencial humano na otimização das concorrências dos gerentes de hoje. O documento propõe que com o intuito de melhorar a gestão do talento humano e poder compreender e administrar melhor a sua equipe de trabalho, o gerente deve conhecer quais são os atributos da condição humana e como desenvolver as competências para trabalhá-los com otimismo, de maneira tal que implemente estratégias para a melhora do talento de sua equipe. Neste contexto o talento se observa como uma variável inesgotável e susceptível de permanente desenvolvimento. O documento conclui fazendo um chamado ao reconhecimento da condição humana nas organizações, como estratégia necessária para enfrentar as inequidades da sociedade atual